.. _base-path: Access a special folder easily ============================== Among the different possible ways of organizing the vault, it is frequent that most of your secrets will be stored under one specific path. ``vault-cli`` simplifies your operations by letting you define a ``base-path`` and have all paths through all commands be relative to that ``base-path``. .. note:: A path starting with ``/`` will ignore the ``base-path`` and be absolute, similarily to what you would expect in an UNIX file system. .. code:: console $ export VAULT_CLI_BASE_PATH="/kvv1/myproject" $ vault-cli set mysecret key=value $ vault-cli get mysecret key value $ vault-cli get /kvv1/myproject/mysecret key value $ unset VAULT_CLI_BASE_PATH $ vault-cli get mysecret key Error: Secret not found Secret not found at path '/mysecret' $ vault-cli get /kvv1/myproject/mysecret key value