Use ``vault-cli`` in your tests =============================== A ``vault`` `pytest fixture`_ is available, but you may want to make sure that vault-cli installs its `testing` extra dependencies: .. _`pytest fixture`: .. code:: console $ pip install "vault-cli[testing]" .. code:: python # (for pytest) from vault_cli.testing import vault __all__ = ["vault"] In your tests, use the ``vault`` fixture. It has a ``db`` parameter that you can use to simulate existing secrets (keys are paths, values are secrets). When you use the fixture, no call to a real vault will be issued, it's all in memory. Of course, this is only meant for tests, do **NOT** use this for real-life use cases. .. code:: python # def test_bla(vault): vault.db = {"a/b": {"c": "d"}} assert vault.get_secret("a/b") == "c"