Reorganize the content of the vault =================================== ``vault-cli`` has a few commands to help you move secrets around and reorganize the content of the vault. Copy secrets and folders ------------------------ .. code:: console $ vault-cli set a b=c $ vault-cli cp a d/e Copy 'a' to 'd/e' ``vault-cli cp`` follows the ``safe-write`` parameter (see :ref:`safe-write`) and has a ``--force`` flag, like ``vault-cli set``. Move secrets and folders ------------------------ .. code:: console $ vault-cli set a b=c $ vault-cli mv a d/e Move 'a' to 'd/e' ``vault-cli mv`` follows the ``safe-write`` parameter (see :ref:`safe-write`) and has a ``--force`` flag, like ``vault-cli set``. Delete a secret --------------- .. code:: console $ vault-cli delete d Done Delete everything under blob-secret ----------------------------------- ``vault-cli delete-all`` lets you recursively delete paths. If no path is given, all secrets are deleted (following the ``base-path`` option, see :ref:`base-path`) By default, ``vault-cli delete-all`` will ask for confirmation for every secret. .. code:: console $ vault-cli delete-all blob-secret Use ``--force`` to bypass confirmation. Triple-check your command before you hit ``enter``. .. code:: console $ vault-cli delete-all --force